4510.09: Professional Leave

4510.09: Professional Leave holly Wed, 07/10/2019 - 11:02

I. Employees of the District may request paid professional leave for the purpose of attending local, state and national professional meetings or conferences. Paid professional leave may be granted if the District determines that the attendance at such meeting or conference will directly benefit the District. 

II. Requests by an employee for professional leave and related expenses will be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or the person responsible for the budget from which expenses, if allowed, will be paid. The request should be submitted with sufficient time to make appropriate arrangements and to secure a substitute where necessary. Reimbursements of expenses will be provided in accordance with procedures provided by the Business Office. 

III. Professional leave is defined as time away from one’s normal work assignment to participate in work-related activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, professional meetings, staff development, curriculum writing, or supervision at student competition. 

IV. Professional leave may be provided by departments for District purposes. When professional leave is initiated by the District, staff supervisors will be notified and substitutes will be scheduled where necessary. 

V. Employee’s attending professional meetings during contract time and at District expense may be required to submit a written report or develop a presentation which allows them to share information received at the meetings with other District personnel. 

VI. The Superintendent or his/her designee reserves the right to limit approval for Professional Leave based upon the ability of the District to deliver the educational program. If attendance is limited, preference will be given to those employees who have the greatest business need to attend or participate in the professional leave and shall be determined by the District in consultation with the employee’s supervisor.

Approved professional leave shall not result in the use of paid personal leave of the employee. 

Date of Adoption
October 7, 1974
Date of Revision
September 7, 1993
March 17, 2003
February 21, 2011
November 6, 2017
November 21, 2022