
3719: Procedure for Student Lunch/Meal Accounts

3719: Procedure for Student Lunch/Meal Accounts holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:38

In accordance with the National School Lunch Program, the District shall adhere to the following meal charge procedures:

1. The District shall provide all students with a reimbursable meals without restriction. A reimbursable meal is defined as a meal consisting of the current day’s offerings and qualifying as a reimbursable meal pursuant to the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act.

2. All cafeteria purchases are to be prepaid by all full pay and reduced meal benefit students before meal services begin in accordance with processes adopted by the District’s food service department.

3. A reimbursable meal, if requested by the student, will not be denied regardless of any request by the parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are responsible for payment of reimbursable meals requested by a student.

4. A full pay or reduced meal benefit student who has not prepaid for a meal will not be denied a reimbursable meal at lunch or breakfast consisting of the current day’s offering, provided that the student will not be permitted to buy or charge “a la carte” items in addition to the standard reimbursable meal.

5. The food service staff shall coordinate communications with parent(s)/guardian(s) to resolve the matter of unpaid charges. In the event that a student has an outstanding negative balance of $30 or more in his/her lunch/meal account, the District may take reasonable actions to collect unpaid funds including through collection agencies, small claims court, or any other legal method deemed necessary by the District.

Date of Adoption
July 10, 2017