
3718: Program - Beverages

3718: Program - Beverages holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:34

All beverages sold in the school buildings in the District shall comply with the beverage policy stated in the nutrition standards for all foods sold in school required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
September 18, 2017

3718.1: Program - Beverages

3718.1: Program - Beverages holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:35

I. The following beverage offerings comply with the beverage policy stated in the nutrition standards for all foods sold in school required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act and may be sold in the District’s schools:

A. Elementary Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. ≤8 oz. servings of milk and 100% juice

a. Skim, flavored skim, 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice, with or without carbonation
c. 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

B. Middle Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. ≤12 oz. servings of milk and 100% juice

a. Skim, flavored skim, 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice with or without carbonation 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

C. High Schools

1. Water- Plain, with or without carbonation; any size

2. No calorie and low calorie beverages with or without caffeine and/or carbonation; calorie free, flavored water

a. ≤ 12 fl oz. “lower calorie” maximum 40 cal/8 fl oz. Maximum 60 cal/12 fl oz.
b. ≤ 20 fl oz. “no calorie” less than 5 cal/8 fl oz…Maximum 10 cal/20 fl oz.

3. ≤12 oz. servings of milk and 100 juice

a. Skim, flavored sim 1% unflavored and nutritionally equivalent (per USDA) milk alternatives
b. 100% fruit or vegetable juice with or without carbonation and
c. 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation and no added sweeteners

II. The above requirements apply to beverages sold on school grounds during the regular day as defined by the USDA.

Date of Adoption
July 9, 2007
Date of Revision
September 18, 2017