3713.1: Program - Committee

3713.1: Program - Committee holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:20

Pursuant to the requirements of the National School Lunch Program, the following rules, guidelines, and requirements are adopted for the administration of the District’s wellness policy and for the operation of the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee:

1.0 Participation

1.1 In addition to representation on the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee as provided in Policy 3713, parents, staff, students, and others in the general public shall be provided an opportunity to participate in the development, implementation, review, and update of the local wellness policy as follows: 

1.1.1 The District’s website shall provide a link to an electronic means for individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, information, and suggestions with regard to the development, implementation, review, and update of the District’s wellness policy. 

1.1.2 The committee(s) established by the District to review and revise its curricula related to health and physical education shall share the information such committee(s) received during their review processes with the District’s Nutrition & Wellness Committee.

2.0 Leadership 

2.1 At the building level, the building principal shall have the authority and responsibility to ensure that his/her building is in compliance with the District’s wellness policies, rules, and procedures. 

2.2 At the District level, the superintendent or designee shall have the authority and responsibility for ensuring compliance with the District’s wellness policies, rules, and procedures.

3.0 Communications 

3.1 All required communications related to the District’s wellness policy shall be conducted via the District’s website or some other reasonable avenue of communication approved by the superintendent or designee. 

3.2 The District may, at its discretion, also communicate optional information related to nutritional and wellness via its website or some other reasonable avenue of communication approved by the superintendent or designee.

4.0 Specific Goals 

4.1 Sleep: Students will synthesize the benefits of sleep by incorporating these behaviors in order to ensure a healthy sleep routine. Progress will be monitored in a designated middle school course. 

4.2 Exercise: Students will synthesize the benefits of vigorous exercise by incorporating these behaviors into their lifestyle. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course. 

4.3 Nutrition: Students will synthesize the benefits of healthy, balanced eating habits by adopting healthy food choices. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course. 

4.4 Stress: Students will synthesize the impact of stress by participating in ways that will enhance behaviors and eliminate and/or reduce health risks. Progress will be measured in a designated middle school course.

5.0 Nutrition Guidelines 

5.1 The nutrient content of all foods and beverages served in the District’s breakfasts, lunches, and a la carte shall be consistent with the nutritional standards for such programs. 

5.2 The nutrient content of all other foods and beverages sold to students during the school day shall also be consistent with such standards. Pursuant to federal regulations, the term “School Day” shall include the time from midnight and until thirty- minutes after classes have been dismissed for the day.

6.0 Outside Food & Beverages 

6.1 Outside foods and beverages (e.g., foods and beverages brought into the schools by parents or others for birthday parties, classroom snacks, incentive programs, etc.) shall meet the following provisions: 

6.1.1 Distribution of outside foods and beverages must receive prior approval from the building principal. Except as specifically approved by the building principal, such foods and beverages must be commercially purchased and packaged and shall not be distributed beyond the expiration date noted on the package. 

6.1.2 The building principal shall have the authority to prohibit distribution of any and/or all outside foods and beverages in his/her building. 

7.0 Marketing/Advertising 

7.1 Marketing and advertising for foods and beverages during the school day shall be limited to those items that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. 

8.0 Evaluation 

8.1 The District shall assess its wellness policies, rules, and procedures at least once every three years to determine: 

8.1.1 The extent to which buildings are in compliance with the district’s policies, rules, and procedures. 

8.1.2 The extent to which the District’s policies, rules, and procedures compare to model policy, rules, and procedures. 

8.1.3 The progress made by students in attaining the goals noted hereinabove. 

8.2 The District shall make its assessment results available to the public via its website or via some other reasonable means of communication.

Date of Adoption
June 5, 2006
Date of Revision
November 5, 2012
June 5, 2017
November 4, 2019